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Give your footsteps a new dimension, join us in spreading the word and creating awareness and in bringing attention to critical issues.

Come join to make it large today.


    Membership Registration Fees : Rs. 500

    Marital Status : SingleMarried

    Why join Nayi Roshni?

    As a unique network of NGOs, Nayi Roshni offers the following to its members:

    Opportunities to network, connect and exchange within a very diverse NGO membership – including regional and national NGOs, as well as other humanitarian stakeholders

    A collective and amplified voice to engage directly on humanitarian issues – through Nayi Roshni’s associates/ bodies, and long-standing working relationships with other agencies

    Regional representatives – able to link field-level humanitarian practice to policy-making bodies Assam

    Information and analysis for the membership – on partnership, practice and policy, and on key themes affecting operational developments in the humanitarian domain.

    Membership Criteria

    The Nayi Roshni Statutes outline the types of organisations eligible for Nayi Roshni membership as follows:

    Voluntary agencies or non-governmental organisations (NGOs), that is, organisations that operate in India. This category also includes families or federations of NGOs that share a common name, but that have chapters or operations in India;

    A national NGO will not normally be admitted to Nayi Roshni if it is already affiliated to an organisation, consortium, network, or group that holds or is applying for Nayi Roshni membership. However, Nayi Roshni will consider, at its discretion, applications for membership from:

    NGOs that have demonstrated a commitment to translating their work to the National level;

    The criteria for Nayi Roshni membership are further defined by the Nayi Roshni By-Law on Eligibility for Membership.

    Commitments by Members

    New members are asked for a commitment to participate in Nayi Roshni’s activities as outlined in the Nayi Roshni Strategy.

    In addition, the Nayi Roshni membership aims to be a network of NGOs that is recognised for the quality and accountability of their work and members are encouraged to demonstrate, in all relevant situations, a commitment to:

    Humanitarian principles, including the Code of Conduct

    Collaboration with other NGOs and/or partner agencies, in line with the Principles of Partnership.

    Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse as guided by the Statement of Commitment on Eliminating Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by any Personnel.

    Quality and accountability in humanitarian action, including use of the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

    Observer Status

    A voluntary agency that wishes to participate in the Nayi Roshni network but which, because of constitutional constraints or reasons of principle, cannot be associated with the views and/or positions adopted by Nayi Roshni, may apply for Observer status.

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